SAP ABAP - Setting Default Values In Selection Screen.

If the requirement is to set default values in selection screen consisting of statements
like Parameters and Select options,
the below sample code gives a clear idea on how it can be done.

REPORT zsetdefault_sel_screen.

TABLES: mseg.

PARAMETERS: p_name LIKE sy-uname,
p_date LIKE sy-datum.
SELECT-OPTIONS: s_matnr FOR mseg-matnr.


p_name = sy-uname.
p_date = sy-datum - 1.
s_matnr-low ='1'.
s_matnr-high = '10'.
s_matnr-option = 'BT'.
s_matnr-sign = 'I'.

APPEND s_matnr.
CLEAR s_matnr.



- Programming On Buttons In A Screen.

- Create A Screen With Two TABSTRIPS For A Report Program.

- On Using HOTSPOT Keyword In A Report Program.

- Demonstrate Tabstrips & Subscreens In Selection Screen.

- Type Conversion ( Curr To Char Type).

- ...Back To Index On Report Programming.

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