SMARTFORMS-Interview Questions With Answers-SAP ABAP-2.

6. Explain The Significance Of Main Window?

Basically, we use main window when there is a need to display text or data which can cover several pages. Say there is a requirement to display data of all the rows of a table (a table in which you are not very sure as to how many row it has), in such cases we always use main windows.

As soon as a main window is completely filled with text/data, the system continues to display the text/data in the main window of the next page. It automatically triggers the page break.

Only one window can be defined in a form as main window. The main window can be called in other pages of the form but it must have the same width on each page, but can differ in height.

A page without main window must not call itself as next page, since this would trigger an endless loop. In such a case, the system automatically terminates after three pages.

7. Explain The Significance Of Secondary Window?

Basically, secondary window is used to display text or data output with a fixed length.

Secondary windows are used when there is a need to display text and data in a predetermined output area. There is no flow text display with page break.

If we position a secondary window with the same name on several pages, the system displays the contents of this secondary window on each page.

Text & data that do not fit into the secondary window are truncated and not displayed.

8. Explain The Significance Of Copies Window?

Basically, Copies Window is a special type of secondary window for making pages as copy or original. This window type is used to output data either on original, or on copies, or both.

In simple words, Copies window is to be used when there is a requirement to print copies of the pages.

Copies window is used to define an output area for the print output, whose content you want to appear either only on the copy or only on the original. This allows you to flag copies as copies when the form is printed.

9. Explain The Significance Of Final Window?

Final window is to be used where there is a requirement to show/display details that has to be processed only at the end of the form processing.

The windows in a page are processed from top to bottom. So the execution first skips all the Final windows and completes the processing of other windows. Once all the non-final windows are processed, the Final windows are processed from top to bottom.

For example if there is a requirement to display the total value of all the items on the first page but the total value is known only at the end of the form processing, we can use the Final window for displaying the total value. The sum of line items is calculated in the MAIN window.

10. What Is The Difference Between Tables & Template Node?

Template contains a fixed number of rows and columns, where the output is fixed where as a table can have variable number of rows. Templates are also preferred where there is a need of proper alignment. Templates are used to print tables whose layout and rows are fixed and known before the application program runtime. Example: Tax Forms

Template is a static entity i.e. its dimensions cannot be changed at run time whereas Table is a dynamic entity i.e. its dimensions can be changed at run time. Hence, based on the data, it can last from one page to multiple pages. For line items display, normally table is used because one does not have prior information about the number of line items and no of pages.

Table node has 3 components- HEADER, ITEM and FOOTER
  • The Header component will be executed once.
  • The Item component can be used to process/display table contents.
  • At the end footer will be executed.

Templates can be used to define the following:
  • No. of rows and cell
  • Height of each row
  • Width Of individual cells
  • Separators or frames to be displayed or not
  • Alignment of the table in the window

Tables are used to print dynamic data which is not known before the application program runtime. Example: Material list Of Purchase orders.

Tables node to be used only in main window and no such fixed height can be set for table rows.

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