SAP-Types Of Projects-Interview Questions With Answers.

1) What Are The Different Types Of Projects In SAP?

There are 4 types of projects in SAP. They are:
  • Implementation Project
  • Rollout Project
  • Support Project
  • Upgrade Project

2) What Do You Mean By SAP Implementation Project?

Implementation Project is mostly transforming the whole business process and mapping into SAP.

Rapidly expanding businesses looks for integrating their business operations to improve efficiency, enhance customer satisfaction, enable collaborative working with business partners or consolidate IT infrastructure to reduce costs and improve operations by implementing SAP ERP Systems.

3) What Do You Mean By SAP Rollout Project?

SAP Rollout means reuse of existing implementation cycle and business processes at a new location. SAP Rollout offers the opportunity to implement SAP Solution implemented for one country to be extended to a new country.

Roll out is kind of implementation in the sense that, if an implementation is already done for a country the same settings would be setup for the new country for which the roll out is being carried out. Some minor settings specific to that new country are anyway setup again.

Major part of the already carried out settings are implemented for the new country based on the previously carried out implementation. A roll-out project takes the main customizing/programs done for a company and adapts it to the new company, working only on the small differences between the companies. Example: printouts, logos, company code.

Companies that have already implemented an SAP ERP system but would like to rollout a similar system in other geographic locations in order to integrate business operations, improve efficiency in business, and reduce cost of IT.

In simple words, Rollout is nothing but a reuse of the existing implementation process in the new location and changes the settings according to the location of the implementation.

In case of India additionally you will have to do CIN Settings. Taxation is different for different countries.

4) What Do You Mean By SAP Support Projects?

Once the SAP Implementation is successfully carried out and the Go-Live phase is carried out, the application needs a maintenance/support to resolve the issues/tickets raised by the users when using the application. Ticket is like a request for changes/bug fixing or a request for a new ABAP Developer Role includes bug fixing/change the existing code due to new requirements/build a new code etc. This is Called SAP Support Project.

Support Projects are mostly for longer duration may be 3 to 5 to 7 years usually. These are being driven by various Service Level Agreements (SLAs) between Client and the Supporting Organization. Furthermore, there could be number of people supporting the same client at different shifts / time intervals.

5) What Do You Mean By SAP Upgrade Projects?

SAP Upgrade is nothing but upgrading the SAP Software with a superior version which has got more advantages when compared to the earlier version. Say the current version of SAP implemented if ECC 4.6. Now the client is willing to upgrade it to ECC 6.0. This is done in an Upgrade Project.

6) State The Difference Between SAP Partner & SAP Customer?

SAP Partners are SAP consultancy firms responsible for implementation of SAP whereas SAP Customers are companies where SAP is being implemented.