SAP ABAP BDC-Interview Questions With Answers-3.

11. What Is The Importance Of KEEP Parameter In BDC_OPEN_GROUP Function Module?

KEEP flag or parameter to indicate whether the batch input session should be kept (‘X’) or deleted (‘ ’) after the successful processing. The default value for this parameter is (‘ ‘)to delete the batch input session.

12. What Is The Importance Of POST_LOCAL Parameter In BDC_INSERT Function Module?

POST_LOCAL parameter is used to set the update mode for the session. If this parameter is set to ‘X’ the update will run in asynchronous mode instead of the default synchronous one.

13. What Is The Biggest Disadvantage Of Using Batch Input Session Method?

When dealing with batch input sessions, there is a timing issue involving the creation of a batch input session and the processing of a batch input session. The creation and processing of batch input sessions are distinct or two different actions; therefore, they occur at different times.

Between the time a batch input session is created and the time it is processed, changes might have been made to the SAP database. These changes may result in errors when processing the batch input session.

For example, a BDC program creates a batch input session to insert 10000 materials into the SAP database. Before the session is processed, a SAP user inserts 20 of these materials into the SAP system. When the batch input session is finally processed, these 20 materials will result in errors because they cannot be inserted into the SAP database more than once.

Also Batch Input Sessions cannot be run in parallel and hence are not fast.

14. What Is To Be Done When The System Crashes In The Middle Of A BDC Batch Session? What Do You Do With Errors In BDC Batch Session?

Simply check the number of records already updated and delete them from input sequential file. Run BDC session again for the remaining records to be updated.

Analysis the error and check what caused the error, rectify the input file or the entry in BDCDATA and reprocess it.

15. How Do You Find Screen No., Program Name & Field Names From Any Transaction Code?

Follow the path as shown below.

Transaction Code --> System --> Status --> Field Names --> F1 --> Technical Help