SAP HR-OM/PA - Interview Questions And Answers.
Here you find some of the basic questions related to SAP Organizational Management(OM) & Personnel Administration(PA) related to SAP HR Module.
Organizational Management (OM)
1. Where Do You Set Up The Integration Between PA & PD (OM) Structures?
Answer: Set the switches PLOGI-ORGA and PLOGI-PLOGI to active plan version in the table T77S0 (IMG)
2. What Are The Commonly Used Infotypes/ Subtypes In Organizational Management (OM)?
Answer: Commonly used Infotypes in OM are:
- 1000-Objects
- 1001-Relationships:
- Sub Types:
- O-O: A/B 002
- O-S: A/B 003
- O-S: A/B 012
- O-K: A/B 011
- S-S: A/B 002
- S-K: A/B 011
- S-P: A/B 008
- S-C: A/B 007
- 1005-Planned Compensation
- 1007-Vacancy
- 1008-Account Assignment
- 1013-EG/ESG
- 1610-EEO/AAP for US
- 1612- Worker Compensation State & Code for US
- 1613- Worker Compensation State, Code & Attribute for US
Answer: Report RHAKTI00 can be used to change the status of several objects at one go.
4. Explain Evaluation Path?
Answer: A set of relationships that exists between objects. It is used in work flows, reports, structural graphics, authorizations, search objects in Org Structure.
5. What Are The Commonly Used Transaction Codes In Organizational Management (OM)?
Answer: Some of the commonly used tcodes in SAP OM Module are:
- In Expert Mode:
- PO03-Maintain Job
- PO10-Maintain Org Unit
- PO13-Maintain Position
- PP01- Maintain Objects
- In Organization & Staffing:
- PPOCE-Create
- PPOME-Change
- PPOSE-Display
6. Name The SAP Delivered Report Programs Used To Validate/ Synchronize PA & OM objects?
Answer: Some of the standard programs that can be used to validate or synchronize PA & OM objects are:
- RHINTE00- Transfer Org Assignment PA to PD
- RHINTE10- Prepare integration OM with PA
- RHINTE20- Create missing objects( OM or PA)
- RHINTE20_ ALT- Check program for PA-PD integration
- RHINTE30- Transfer Org Assignment in batch input folder for IT0001
Personnel Administration (PA)
7. What Is Enterprise Structure Made Up Off?
Answer: Enterprise structure is made up of: Client, Company Code, Personnel Area, Personnel Sub Area.
8. What Are The Criteria Considered To Decide On The Design Of Enterprise Structure?
Answer: General criteria are:
- Reporting requirements.
- Authorizations requirements.
- Generation of default values (via Feature).
- Module specific requirements for Payroll, Time, Comp, Benefits etc.
Answer: Personnel structure is made of Employee groups and Employee Sub groups
10. Name The Commonly Used Infotypes In PA?
Answer: Commonly used infotypes in PA module are:
- 0000-Actions
- 0001- Org Assignment
- 0002- Personal Data
- 0006- Address
- 0007- Planned Working Time
- 0008- Basic Pay
- 0009- Bank Details
- 0014- Recur. Payments/Deductions
- 0015-Additional Payments
- 0019- Monitoring of Dates
- 0021- Family/related Person
- 0022-Education
- 0041-Date Specifications
- 0077-Additional Personal Data
- 0105- Communication
Answer: Constraints are:
- Records must have no gaps, no overlapping.
- Records may have gaps, no overlapping.
- Records may have gaps, exist more than once.
Answer: Different types of standard employment status are:
- 0 - Withdrawn
- 1 - Inactive
- 2 - Retiree
- 3 - Active
Answer: Table T588M is used for infotype screen modification.
14. What Is Dynamic Action? Name The Table Used To Set Up Dynamic Action?
Answer: Dynamic Action controls which subsequent activities are triggered when an Infotype record is maintained. Table T588Z is used to set up dynamic action.
15. Name The Commonly Used Features In Personnel Administration (PA)?
Answer: Commonly used features in PA module are:
- ABKRS- Default values for Payroll Area.
- LGMST- Default Wage Type in IT0008.
- SCHKZ- Default Work schedule Rules in IT0007.
- TARIF- Default Pay Scale Type and Area in IT0008.
- PINCH- Default Administrator Group in IT0001.
- PFREQ- Default monthly/hourly pay in IT0008.