SAP ABAP - Hashed Internal Table (Non-Index Table) With Example.

Submitted By: Shilpa Gunjan (L&T Infotech)

- Hashed Internal Tables are the most appropriate type of table where the main operation or access is via key and not index. Hashed tables cannot be accessed via index.

- Like database tables, hashed tables too have a unique key. Hashed tables cannot have a NON-Unique key. The key has to be Unique and hence one must specify UNIQUE keyword in the table definition.

- The response time for key access remain constant, regardless of the number of table entries because the access is carried out via a hash algorithm.

- If a hashed table is accessed with a key that is different to the unique table key, the table is handled like a standard table and searched linearly according to the entries. Same applies for partial key also.

- Hashed table should only be used where the unique key is the only type of access, particularly if there is a need to process very large table.

- Using hashed internal tables the 100,000th record is read just as quickly as the 1st making it much faster than even a binary search.


DATA: <Internal table name> TYPE HASHED TABLE OF <Structure/Types/Db Table> WITH UNIQUE KEY <key1> <key2>…..


1) Hashed Internal Table Performance When The Key Used Is Table’s Partial Key.

2) Hashed Internal Table Performance When The Key Used Is Table's Key.


- INTERNAL TABLES - Introduction, Advantages & Types Of Internal Tables.

- STANDARD INTERNAL TABLE (Index Table) - Introduction With Sample Programs.

- SORTED INTERNAL TABLE (Index Table) - Introduction, Advantages & Performance.

- SORTED INTERNAL TABLE With Key Access (Performance) - Sample Program.

- SORTED INTERNAL TABLE With INDEX Access (Performance) - Sample Program.

- HASHED INTERNAL TABLE (Non-Index Table) - Introduction, Advantages & Performance.

- HASHED INTERNAL TABLE - Partial Key Access (Performance) - Sample Program.

- HASHED INTERNAL TABLE - Table's Key Access (Performance) - Sample Program.

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