Change Logs For ZTables Using SCDO Transaction Code - 6 (SAP ABAP).

Submitted By: Shilpa Gunjan (LnT Infotech)

14) Click On editor and make the following changes as shown:


FORM change_log.

DATA : it_zptp_3rd_dis_tes TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF zptp_3rd_dis_tes,
wa_old_zptp_3rd_dis_tes TYPE zptp_3rd_dis,
wa_new_zptp_3rd_dis_tes TYPE zptp_3rd_dis.

DATA: tabix type c.

DATA: it_log_table TYPE TABLE OF cdtxt,
wa_log_table TYPE cdtxt.

SELECT * FROM zptp_3rd_dis_tes
INTO TABLE it_zptp_3rd_dis_tes.

LOOP AT total.
IF <action> IS ASSIGNED AND <vim_total_struc> IS ASSIGNED AND <action> NE space.
MOVE <vim_total_struc> TO wa_new_zptp_3rd_dis_tes.

READ TABLE it_zptp_3rd_dis_tes INTO wa_old_zptp_3rd_dis_tes WITH KEY ekorg = wa_new_zptp_3rd_dis_tes-ekorg
lifnr = wa_new_zptp_3rd_dis_tes-lifnr.

tabix = sy-tabix.
concatenate 'TE' tabix into wa_log_table-textart separated by '_' .
wa_log_table-teilobjid = 'ZPTP_3RD_DIS_TES'.
wa_log_table-textart = 'TEST'.
wa_log_table-textspr = 'EN'.
wa_log_table-updkz = <action>.
APPEND wa_log_table TO it_log_table.

objectid = 'ZPTP_3RD_DIS_TES'
tcode = sy-tcode
utime = sy-uzeit
udate = sy-datum
username = sy-uname
object_change_indicator = <action>
planned_or_real_changes = <action>
no_change_pointers = <action>
upd_icdtxt_zptp_3rd_dis_te = <action>
n_zptp_3rd_dis_tes = wa_new_zptp_3rd_dis_tes
o_zptp_3rd_dis_tes = wa_old_zptp_3rd_dis_tes
upd_zptp_3rd_dis_tes = <action>
icdtxt_zptp_3rd_dis_te = it_log_table.

CLEAR: wa_new_zptp_3rd_dis_tes, wa_old_zptp_3rd_dis_tes.
ENDFORM. "change_log

After the coding part is over, activate the include program and also activate the function group. Then come back to the events screen and save the event in a transport request.

Now go to SM30. And enter the table name and click on change.

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- Change Logs For ZTables Using SCDO Transaction Code - Page 1.

- Change Logs For ZTables Using SCDO Transaction Code - Page 2.

- Change Logs For ZTables Using SCDO Transaction Code - Page 3.

- Change Logs For ZTables Using SCDO Transaction Code - Page 4.

- Change Logs For ZTables Using SCDO Transaction Code - Page 5.

- Change Logs For ZTables Using SCDO Transaction Code - Page 6.

- Change Logs For ZTables Using SCDO Transaction Code - Page 7.

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