LSMW (Legacy System Migration Workbench) - Introduction & Importance.


-- LSMW is a tool provided by SAP in order to upload huge amount of data from legacy file to R/3 system.

-- The Legacy System Migration Workbench (LSMW) is a tool to transfer data from legacy systems (Non SAP System) into an R/3 System (SAP System).

-- LSMW supports a step-by-step procedure; if one step is executed and saved then next step automatically follows.

-- Apart from creation of project/ subproject/ object and recording, there are 14 basic steps included in LSMW.

-- Through LSMW one can create Master data, create transactional data, modify existing master data etc. This tool is very useful when some mass changes are to be carried out and no standard SAP transactions are available for that.

-- There are few standard objects available in LSMW e.g. material master, vendor master, customer master, purchasing info record, purchase requisitions, purchase orders etc. Using these standard objects one can do mass data upload and mass transactions.

-- Apart from this LSMW provides another functionality of recording the transaction and then carrying that out many times with large data. Examples are mass deletion of purchase requisitions, mass deletion of planned orders etc.


-- LSMW is basically designed for functional consultants who do not do much coding but need to explore the functionality while BDC is designed for a technical consultant.

-- LSMW offers different technique for migrating data: Direct input, BAPI, I-Doc, Batch input recording while BDC basically uses recording.

-- LSMW mapping is done by SAP while in BDC we have to do it explicitly.

-- LSMW is basically for standard SAP application while BDC basically for customized application.

-- Coding can be done flexibly in BDC when compared to LSMW.


-- In case if you trust the data in the flat file and know there is not much coding to be done, then we can use LSMW. On the other hand if there is a lot of validations to be done go for BDC.

-- Also LSMW can be preferred for uploading Master Data records and standard SAP applications. Since LSMW is a tool and generally it makes use of standard program/objects, the execution would be faster, and less effort is needed to upload master data.


-- Introduction to LSMW

-- Difference Between LSMW & BDC

-- When to Use LSMW

-- Advantages of LSMW

-- Disadvantages of LSMW

-- Import Methods In LSMW & It's Advantages & Disadvantages

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