
Showing posts from November, 2013

Assigning A Transaction Code (T-Code) To A LSMW Object - 4.

<< PREVIOUS PAGE                                                                                               STEP 3: Create Transaction Code Via SE93 Transaction code Go to SE93 transaction code. Enter any tcode name and then click Create button. A pop up screen appears. Select the radio button ‘Transaction with Variant’ and click ‘Enter’. Now Enter transaction Code ZCUST_ANNSALES and you will see a screen as shown below: Press Enter or execute it and you will see the following screen: << PREVIOUS PAGE                                                                                               Step By Step Explained in Detail.  (Assigning a Transaction Code to LSMW) STEP 1: Create Screen Variant. STEP2: Create Transaction Variant. STEP 3: Create Transaction Code Via SE93 Transaction Code.   ... Return To LSMW Index Page  

Assigning A Transaction Code (T-Code) To A LSMW Object - 3.

<< PREVIOUS PAGE                                                                                               NEXT PAGE >> Click on deactivate functions. You get a pop up screen where one can change the interface variant. Double Click On the following items and click Continue as shown below: Click On Continue. Click on Save and then click On BACK button. Enter the transaction as LSMW and the transaction variant as created in step 2 above.   << PREVIOUS PAGE                                                                                               NEXT PAGE >> Step By Step Explained in Detail.  (Assigning a Transaction Code to LSMW) STEP 1: Create Screen Variant. STEP2: Create Transaction Variant. STEP 3: Create Transaction Code Via SE93 Transaction Code.   ... Return To LSMW Index Page  

Assigning A Transaction Code (T-Code) To A LSMW Object - 2.

<< PREVIOUS PAGE                                                                                             NEXT PAGE >> Come back to transaction Code: SHD0. Go to Screen Variant Tab and click on 'In Transactions Variant'. Program Name and Screen number gets filled up automatically. STEP2: Create Transaction Variant In the same transaction code SHD0, Go To 'Transaction Variant' Tab. Enter any name in 'Transaction Variant' name & then Click on Insert Row as shown below: Add the screen variant name created in the previous step as shown below: Click on Save Assignment. Enter the package and transport request details. Then Click on Change Button On the menu as marked on the above screen. You will be redirected to a screen as shown below. Now Click On Menu Functions option as seen above. This step is done to deactivate the menu items. A pop up screen will appear where you will have to enter the screen name

Assigning A Transaction Code (T-Code) To A LSMW Object - 1.

Step 1: Create Screen Variant. Go to SHD0 transaction code. Enter Transaction code as LSMW. Next go to ‘Screen Variants’ tab and enter any name as shown below: Click On create button. You will be asked to enter the Project/Subproject/Object name of the LSMW object for which tcode has to be created. Once you enter the details press 'ENTER button' to proceed. A pop up screen appears. Here you have to enter the Screen Variant Name & Description. Also tick the check boxes in ‘W.content’, ‘Output only’ and ‘Required’ columns. Once you are done with all these steps, click on ‘Exit and Save’ button as shown below: A new screen will appear. On saving you will be asked to enter the package name and the transport request. Fill them up and return back to the initial screen.                                                                                                                                 NEXT PAGE >> Step By Step Explain

Restrict/Stop User From Deleting Line Items Of Sales Order Through Transaction (T-Code) VA02.

Requirement is to Restrict / Stop User From Deleting Line Items Of Sales Order Through Transaction (T-Code) VA02. Say, user has created a sales order with say 2 line items via VA01 transaction. Save it. A new sales order gets created. In our case the sales order number is 3679. Now what user wants is he/she should not be able to delete both the line items from the sales order however if he/she wants to add a third line item or wants to delete a new line item which was not a part of sales order while creating he/she should be allowed to do so. So to achieve this requirement we will have to do an enhancement in Include Program MV45AFZB. Here you will find a user exit, USEREXIT_CHECK_XVBAP_FOR_DELET - This is the user exit where we will have to do the enhancement. SAMPLE CODE: DATA: v_lines TYPE i,              wa_ivbap LIKE LINE OF ivbap,              wa_xvbap LIKE LINE OF xvbap,              v_vbeln TYPE vbeln. IF sy-tcode = 'VA02' OR sy-tcode