SMARTFORMS-Interview Questions With Answers-SAP ABAP-7.

31. Why Pages & Windows Node Are Required Or Mandatory While Creating A Smart Form?

The Page represents the layout of the Page that is printed on and the items to be printed on the Page are contained in Windows. The page together with the windows defined on the page determines how the print will appear and the contents of the print.

32. How Can You Find The Generated Function Module Name For A Smart Form?

First activate the Smart Form. Go to Environment -> Function Module Name and get the automatically generated function module for the Smart Form.

33. How Do You Debug A Smart Form?

By Putting a break point on the generated function module of the Smartform, one can debug it.
For more information, Refer the link mentioned below.

34. What Are The Different Auxiliary Nodes Available In Smart Form?

Auxiliary nodes help to control and format the print but do not print any contents by themselves. Following are the different auxiliary nodes available in Smart Form:
  • Table: Output of a table containing application/dynamic data.
  • Template: output of a table containing static data.
  • Program Lines: Executes ABAP Code.
  • Folder: Combines successor nodes to logical groups.
  • Loop: Processes successor nodes repeatedly.
  • Alternative: Branches depending on conditions.
  • Command: Executes Special Commands.

35. What are the Text Types available in Smart Form?

There are 4 different types of Text available in Smart Forms. They are:
  • Text Element
  • Text Module
  • Include Text
  • Dynamic Text

36. What Are Text Modules In Smart Forms? What Are The Advantages Of Using Text Module?

A Text Module acts as some sort of container of text, which makes reuse of text easier. There are texts that frequently appear in different forms. Text Modules can be used to store these texts centrally in the system. This detaches text maintenance from form maintenance, with the result that there will be no need to call the Form Builder to edit individual texts.

Text modules can be maintained using smartforms transaction. The text module is maintained exactly like the Text element. Text literals as well as fields can be written in the text module. Fields of the Text module take values from the Smart Form from which it is called. Since a Text Module is a separate entity, it has its own Management (Attributes) screen.

The main advantages of using a Text module are:
  • Central storage and maintenance of texts: Commonly used texts like Terms and Conditions, Address line on footer, etc. do not have to be typed and maintained on every Smart Form being made. Also, changes made to the text at one place can be cascaded to all Forms where it is used if the Copy option is not used.
  • Language specific maintenance: Text modules can be maintained in different languages. Thus, by referring to the same Text module name, Smart Forms in different languages pick up the text of the corresponding language.
  • Client independence: This is an advantage over Include texts that are client dependent.
  • Can be assigned to CTS: An advantage over Standard Texts that are not assigned to a Transport System by default.
  • Can be translated to other languages through the transaction SE63.

For more information, refer the link mentioned below:

More Questions & Answers On Smartforms:

36. What Are Text Modules In Smart Forms? What Are The Advantages Of Using Text Module?
37. What Is The Use Of Command Node In Smart Form?
38. Can One Restrict The Translations Of Smart form To Specific Languages?
39. How Can You Translate A Smart Form From One Language To Another?
40. How Do You Assign Transport Request To Translations For Smart Forms?

41. What Is The Use Of Folder Node In Smart Form?
42. How Do You Use Barcode in Smart Form?
1. What Are Smart Forms In SAP System?
2. What Are The Differences Between SAP Scripts & Smartforms?
3. How Many Main Windows Can We Have In A Smartform?
4. Is It Mandatory To Have A Main Window In Smartforms?
5. What Are The Types Of Windows Available In Smartforms?

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