LSMW-Interview Questions With Answers-SAP ABAP-2.

7. What Is Data Migration & What Is The Significance Of Data Migration. State The Most Important Data Migration Tools Available In SAP?

Data Migration stands for data transfer between two like or alike systems. During SAP R/3 implementation the data needs to be moved from legacy system to the SAP system. Sometimes periodic data transfer between R/3 and other system (interfacing) is also required. Both of the above form a part of data migration.

Significance of data migration are:
  • Data migration comes in the end of R/3 implementation.
  • To start with Data Migration first configuration should be fully completed
  • Data migration is about 20% to 40% of the total implementation expenses.

The tools for data migration are:-
  • BDC (Batch Data Communication)
  • LSMW (Legacy System Migration Workbench)

8. What Are The Main Functions Of LSMW?

The 3 main functions of the LSMW are:
  • Reading the legacy data from one or several files (e.g. spreadsheet tables, sequential files).
  • Converting data from its original (legacy system) format to the target (SAP) format
  • Importing the data using standard interfaces (Batch Input, Direct Input, BAPI, IDoc) into the database of the R/3 application.
Transaction Code to start the LSM Workbench is LSMW.

9. Can LSMW Be Used For Handling Multiple Recordings?

Generally Multiple Recordings are done for transactions which has multiple access sequences like VK11, TK11, etc. Batch Input Method is capable of handling multiple recording and Batch Input recording is one of the import methods available in LSMW. So yes, LSMW can be used for handling multiple recordings.

For More Information Check:

10. Can You Carry Out Validations Or Say Can You Write Your Custom Code In LSMW?

Yes, Validations can be carried out in LSMW. Similarly custom code can also be added in LSMW. Validations can be handled in 5th step (Maintain field mapping and conversion rules) of LSMW.

For example, if you are updating Vendor Master, You will need to carry out a validation to check whether vendor is valid or not.

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11. Can Data Be Transferred From One R/3 To Another R/3 Via LSMW?

Yes, data can be transferred from one R/3 System to another. Export functionality has to be programmed to achieve the same.

12. Is It Possible To Assign A Transaction Code To a LSMW Object?

Yes, transaction codes can be created from SHD0 for LSMW Objects.

For more information on the steps, Check:

13. What Kind Of Data Can Be Migrated Using The LSMW? Is It Certain That The Imported Data Will Be Consistent?

Wide range of Master Data (e.g. G/L accounts, customer master, vendor master, material master, bills of material) and Transaction Data (e.g. financial documents, sales orders) can be migrated using LSMW.

Yes, the imported data will be consistent because the data is loaded via standard interfaces of the applications which will include all checks that are run for online transactions.

14. How Many Steps Needs To Be Followed While Using LSMW For Data Migartion. Also Mention The Steps Sequentially. 

No. of steps varies for different import methods. Initially there will be 20 steps but after processing step 1 it will reduced to 14 for session method.

STEP 1: Create Project / Sub-Project / Object
STEP 2: Maintain Object Attributes: Select Maintain Object Attributes and Execute
STEP 3: Maintain Source Structures
STEP 4: Maintain Source Fields
STEP 5: Maintain Structure Relations

STEP 6: Maintain Field Mapping and Conversion Rules
STEP 7: Maintain Fixed Values, Translations, User Defined Routines
STEP 8: Specify Files
STEP 9: Assign Files
STEP 10: Read Data

STEP 11: Display Read Data
STEP 12: Convert Data
STEP 13: Display Converted Data
STEP 14: Create Batch Input Session
STEP 15: Run batch Input Session