
Showing posts from December, 2019

SAP HR-OM/PA - Interview Questions And Answers.

Here you find some of the basic questions related to SAP Organizational Management(OM) & Personnel Administration(PA) related to SAP HR Module. Organizational Management (OM)  1. Where Do You Set Up The Integration Between PA & PD (OM) Structures? Answer:  Set the switches PLOGI-ORGA and PLOGI-PLOGI to active plan version in the table T77S0 (IMG) 2. What Are The Commonly Used Infotypes/ Subtypes In Organizational Management (OM)? Answer:  Commonly used Infotypes in OM are: 1000-Objects 1001-Relationships: Sub Types: O-O: A/B 002 O-S:  A/B 003 O-S:  A/B 012 O-K: A/B 011 S-S:  A/B 002 S-K: A/B 011 S-P: A/B 008 S-C: A/B 007 1005-Planned Compensation 1007-Vacancy 1008-Account Assignment 1013-EG/ESG 1610-EEO/AAP for US 1612- Worker Compensation State & Code for US 1613- Worker Compensation State, Code & Attribute for US 3. Name The Report That Lets You To Change The Status Of Several Objects At One Go? Answer:  Report RHAKTI00 can be us

Download Data Into XLSX/MHTML File/Format - Reusable FM.

Most of the times, we are able to upload to upload XLSX file to internal table but to download data in XLSX format we struggle most of the time. Here we are presenting a simple solution to download data in XLSX/MHTML/XML format. This function module gives you an option to select a specific filetype to be chosen. If no filetype is chosen among XLSX/MHTML/XML, then a pop up window will appear as shown below to select required filetype. Create a simple function module as described below: IMPORT:   EXPORT: CHANGING: Function Module Code: FUNCTION  zdownload_file . *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- *"*"Local Interface: *"  IMPORTING *"     REFERENCE(I_FIELDCAT) TYPE  LVC_T_FCAT OPTIONAL *"     REFERENCE(I_SORT) TYPE  LVC_T_SORT OPTIONAL *"     REFERENCE(I_FILT) TYPE  LVC_T_FILT OPTIONAL *"     REFERENCE(I_LAYOUT) TYPE  LVC_S_LAYO OPTIONAL *"     REFERENCE(I_XLSX) TYPE  FLA

BAPI_INSPECTIONPLAN_CREATE-Quality Inspection Plan (Single File) With Long Text Upload.

Generally in all projects where Quality Management is implemented, there is a need of Mass upload of Quality Inspection Plan.  SAP Transaction code for this is QP01. So here we have made a tool for uploading quality plan using BAPI BAPI_INSPECTIONPLAN_CREATE which also support of uploading long text. To Download With File Template ,  Click Here . CODE: REPORT  zqm_inspection_plan_wlt_upload . TYPE-POOLS  :  slis . TABLES  : sscrfields . *----------------------------------------------------------------------* *     SELECTION SCREEN *----------------------------------------------------------------------* SELECTION-SCREEN  BEGIN  OF  BLOCK  s2  WITH  FRAME  TITLE  TEXT - 001 . PARAMETERS :  p_file   TYPE  ibipparms - path   . SELECTION-SCREEN  END  OF  BLOCK  s2  . *----------------------------------------------------------------------* *     GLOBAL DATA *----------------------------------------------------------------------* DATA   v_mode . DATA  :  v_filename