2-SAP-Additional Tab For Vendors In BP (Business Partner) Transaction - Part II.

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Step 6: Next, Navigate to Business Partner->Control->Screen Layout->Field Groups. Click on New entries & create a new field group named 601.Set a description and save as shown below.

Now click on Field Group->Fields Option as shown above. Assign all the custom fields created in the structure ‘INCL_EEW_LFA1’. to fields group as shown below.

Step 7: Next, navigate to Business Partner->Control->Screen Layout->Views. Click On New Entries button and create a new view named ZLFA01. Set a description, application as ZLFA as created above & data set as ZLFA01 as created above. Also set the program name and screen number as shown below.

Note here we have to create two functions modules for PBO & PAI.

Create a function module for PBO. Copy FM ‘CVIV_BUPA_PBO_CVIV03’ to function module
named ‘ZFM_MM_LFA1_PBO’ as shown below.

FUNCTION zfm_mm_lfa1_pbo.
*"*"Local Interface:
  DATA: lt_lfa1   TYPE TABLE OF lfa1.

* Step 1: request data from xo for dynpro structure
      i_table_name = table_name_lfa1
      e_data_table = lt_lfa1[] ).
  IF lt_lfa1[] IS INITIAL.
    CLEAR gs_lfa1.
    READ TABLE lt_lfa1 INTO gs_lfa1 INDEX 1.


Create a function module for PAI. Copy FM ‘CVIV_BUPA_PAI_CVIV03’ to function module
named ‘ZFM_MM_LFA1_PAI’ as shown below.

FUNCTION zfm_mm_lfa1_pai.
*"*"Local Interface:
  DATA: lt_lfa1 TYPE TABLE OF lfa1.
  FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lfa1> LIKE LINE OF lt_lfa1.

  CHECK cvi_bdt_adapter=>is_direct_input_active( ) = false.

      i_table_name = table_name_lfa1
      e_data_table = lt_lfa1[] ).

  IF lt_lfa1[] IS INITIAL.
    IF gs_lfa1 IS NOT INITIAL.
      gs_lfa1-lifnr = cvi_bdt_adapter=>get_current_vendor( ).
      APPEND gs_lfa1 TO lt_lfa1.

    READ TABLE lt_lfa1 ASSIGNING <lfa1> INDEX 1.
    <lfa1>-zzforeign_vend = gs_lfa1-zzforeign_vend.
    <lfa1>-zzcertificate  = gs_lfa1-zzcertificate.
    <lfa1>-zzvalid_from   = gs_lfa1-zzvalid_from.
    <lfa1>-zzvalid_to     = gs_lfa1-zzvalid_to.

   i_table_name = table_name_lfa1
   i_data_new   = lt_lfa1[]
   i_validate   = false ).


Save the view & Double click on View -> Field Groups. Click on New entries and maintain the field group as 601 shown below.

Step 8: Next, Navigate to Business Partner->Control->Screen Layout->Sections. Click on New Entries button and create a new section named ZLFA1. Also, set a description and title.

Now double click on Section -> Views. Select the section 'ZLFA1' created above and Set item number and view name (as created above). Save the changes.

Step 9: Next, navigate to Business Partner->Control->Screen Layout->Screens. Click on New Entries button & create a new screen named ZLFA1. Also, set a description and screen title and Save the changes.

Now double click on Screen -> Sections. Select the screen created above and Set first item section as BUP009 and second number will be section ‘ZLFA1’ we created. Save the changes as shown below.

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