SAP-Additional Tab For Vendors In BP (Business Partner) Transaction - Part I.

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One needs to follow the below mentioned Steps to add an additional data tab in Business Partners (For Vendors).

Step 1: Add new custom fields to standard structure ‘INCL_EEW_LFA1’. This structure is already included in LFA1. Hence the new custom fields will automatically reflect in LFA1 Table.

Step 2: Now add the same fields to structure ‘INCL_EEW_LFA1’. Ensure the data element should be a character type with length 1. Here we have used standard data element BAPIUPDATE.

Step 3: Now Create a Custom Function Group and mention the below code in the Top Include of the Function group.

TABLES: lfa1.

CONSTANTS: table_name_lfa1 TYPE fsbp_table_name VALUE 'LFA1',
           false           TYPE boole-boole     VALUE ' '.

DATA: gs_lfa1 TYPE lfa1.

Step 4: Next Create a screen in Function group. Make sure to set the Dynpro type as Subscreen. In PBO of the screen call function ‘BUS_PBO’ and in PAI call function ‘BUS_PAI’ as shown below.

Add the required custom fields to the screen as well as shown below.

Activate the screen and the complete function group.

Step 5: Customization Step (Customizing Request will be created).
Go to BUPT transaction code. Navigate to BUPT->Business Partner->Control->Applications.
Create a new application named ‘ZLFA’ with New Entries button.
Define a description and Check the Active Checkbox as shown below.

Now navigate to Business Partner->Control->Data Sets and create a new data set ‘ZLFA01’ as shown below.

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