SAP Adjust Migration Object (LTMOM) - Step By Step Instructions.

Now you are already familiar with data transfer process using Excel based templates (Excel XML) via Transaction LTMC. As already mentioned above, if standard template of any migration object does not meet your business requirement i.e.

  • Some of fields are not available in standard template.
  • Some extra fields are available in template which you don’t want.
  • Any import field is optional in standard template and you want to make it mandatory or vice-versa.
In short if there is an requirement to add custom fields to standard migration objects or even create new migration objects, transaction LTMOM will come into Play.

Step 1. Run transaction LTMOM. Initial screen will appear as shown below.

Step 2. Search for your migration object by clicking on “Input Help” (Down-arrow) button.

Step 3. On popup to find Migration Object, enter your Project and press Enter key.

Step 4. Select your migration object from list and press Enter key.

Step 5. Your migration object will be displayed.

Step 6. Double click on "Source Structures".

Step 7. Each source structure is an Excel sheet in your template.

From Excel Template:

Step 8. For each source structure, you see the available fields in right side. These fields appear as columns in corresponding Excel sheet.

Step 9. Now let’s do some adjustments. For example, remove field "Batch" from "Item" Excel sheet.

Click on "Display<->Change" button.

Either you can delete the field from source structure "Item" or you can hide the field.
To delete the field, double click on “Item” source structure and delete the corresponding field.

To hide the field, right click on source structure "Item" and click on sub-menu "Display View".

Click on the drop-down values selection in column “On-premise-Enterprise Mgmt” for respective field. You will get these options:
    • Visible - Default option. Field will appear in template.
    • Not Visible - Field will not appear in template.
    • Required - Field will appear and will be mandatory to fill.
Note: Above options for any field is also applicable to Excel sheet itself. Just choose the desired drop-down value for first row (structure instead of field).

Step 10. Now let’s do some adjustments. For example, add two fields "Sales Office" and "Sales Group" in "Header" Excel sheet.
  • Removing/hiding field is much simpler than adding field. However, adding field is also not that much difficult.
  • Make sure you are in Change mode.
  • Double click on Header source structure.
  • In the Field List, click "Add Field" button ( ) to add field at end position or click "Insert Field" button ( ) to add field at desired position in middle.
  • For example, I have inserted new fields in middle.

  • Field names can be your own names too e.g. SALES_OFF & SALES_GRP instead of standard SAP names VKBUR & VKGRP.
  • Click on Save button (Ctrl+S)
  • Now click on Field Mapping as shown below.

  • Now at one side you have source structures & its fields while at other side target structures & its fields.

  • Now functionally you should be aware that your newly inserted fields should be linked with which target fields. In target structure, navigate to respective target structure & field by scrolling down.
  • To map source field to target field, easiest way is to drag and drop the source field to target field.

Alternative, you can double click on target field. In pop-up window, choose rule name “MOVE” from F4 list and correct source field in parameter value from F4 list.

You can switch technical names on/off i.e. technical field name instead of field description by clicking on menu "Settings->Technical Names on/off".

Functionally, you might already aware that in some BAPIs, whatever fields need to be passed to BAPI/system, value "X" need to be passed in corresponding checkbox field. For example, check your BAPI function module in transaction SE37, you will find two structures for same data:

In above screen shot, see structures ending with a "X".

  • Therefore, for both fields (Sales Office & Sales Group), I need to pass "X" in corresponding checkbox structure. Usually target checkbox structure is immediately below the target structure.
  • Locate the corresponding Checkbox fields for Sales Office & Sales Group in target checkbox structure.

You can switch the technical names on, as mentioned above if you found it difficult to locate field.

Double click on target field. In pop-up window, choose rule name "SET_X_IF_NOT_INIT" from F4 list and correct source field in parameter value from F4 list.

Note: You can simply refer that how other existing standard fields are handled. Then do the same with new fields added by you.
  • Click on Save button (Ctrl+S).
  • Now click on “Generate” button.

Step 11. After adjustments in migration object (addition, deletion of fields etc.), you can go to transaction LTMC and download the template again. To download the template, use the same method as already mentioned above.

Step By Step Instructions To Transfer Data via LTMC (Migration Cockpit/Tool)
  1. Part I.
  2. Part II.
  3. Part III.
  4. Part IV. 
For Troubleshooting, Refer:
Troubleshooting - SAP S/4HANA Migration Cockpit LTMC / LTMOM