SAP ABAP - Elementary Data Types, Initial Values, Syntax & Properties.

In ABAP, we have 8 elementary data types to declare data types:


- Lenght: 1 - 65535.
- Default Length: 1.
- Initial Value: Blank.

- Default Values for the character based data types has to be a text enclosed in single quotes.

- Character fields (Type C) are left-justified and can be truncated or filled with blanks from the right.

- Character fields can also be used as alphanumeric fields.

DATA: option TYPE c.
DATA: name(30).
DATA: subject(20) TYPE c.

DATA: title(10) VALUE 'Mr.'.
DATA: name(30) TYPE c VALUE 'Sachin Tendulkar '.
DATA: name TYPE char30. " This statement will allow name variable to hold upto 30 characters.


- Length: 1 - 65535.
- Default Length: 1.
- Initial Value: '0....0'.

- Numeric text variables hold unsigned positive integers.

- This data type should be used for numeric fields that will not be calculated like Roll number, Employee number.

- We can use it for variables that hold a numeric extracted from a character data type.

- Long character field in which only numbers can be entered.

- Default Values for the numeric based data types has to be a text enclosed in single quotes.

- Numeric Fields are left-justified.

DATA: rollno(8) TYPE n.
DATA: empno(12) TYPE n VALUE '1234567890'.


- Default Length: 8 (Fixed).
- Valid Values: 0-9.
- Initial Value: '00000000'.

- The current date is available in the system field sy-datum.

- Value for date variable always stored internally as YYYYMMDD.

DATA: date TYPE D VALUE '20110101'.


- Default Length: 6 (Fixed).
- Valid Values: 0-9.
- Initial Value: 000000.

- The current time is available in the system field sy-uzeit.

- Value for date variable always stored internally as HHMMSS.

DATA: time TYPE T VALUE '063015'.


- Length: 4 Bytes (Fixed).
- Initial Value: 0.

- Use integers for variables that will be involved in simple computations or when no decimal points are required.

- This data type stores a binary number with a range of values from -2147483648 to +

- Variables such as counters, indexes, positions, or offsets are good examples.

- Default Values for the integer based data types has to be a text enclosed in single quotes.

- Integer types are right-justified.

DATA: number TYPE i.
DATA: profit TYPE i VALUE '10'.


- Length: 1 - 16 Bytes.
- Default Length: 8 Bytes.
- Initial Value: 0.

- Amount or counter field (packed; implementation depends on hardware platform).

- Data Type 'P' length between 1-16 (default 8) and decimals length between 0-31.

- With this data type, two digits are stored in a single byte and the last half byte is used to store the sign.

- Recommended for commercial calculations.

- Packed type i.e. Type 'P' are right-justified.


* Defines a variable 'FACTOR' capable of holding 4 digits (plus a sign).
DATA: factor(2) TYPE p DECIMALS 2.

* Defines a variable 'AVG' capable of holding 15 digits because the default length for type p is 8.
DATA: avg TYPE p.

DATA: mean(8) TYPE p DECIMALS 2 VALUE '1.50'.


- Max Length: 8 Bytes.
- Default Length: 8 Bytes.
- Initial Value: 0.0

- Floating-point variables are always approximate.

- They can be used for calculations requiring very large values or many decimal places.

- Floating-Point type i.e. Type 'F' are right-justified.

- Recommended for mathematical/scientific calculations.


- Type Conversion ( Char To Curr Type).

- Type Conversion ( Curr To Char Type).

- ELEMENTARY DATA TYPES - Initial Values, Syntax & Properties.

- FIELD SYMBOLS - Introduction, Syntax & Examples.

- PARAMETERS - Introduction, Syntax & Examples.

- SELECT-OPTIONS - Introduction, Syntax & Examples.

- SELECTION-SCREEN - Introduction, Syntax & Examples.

- SSCRFIELDS - The Screen Fields Table.

- ...Back To Index On Report Programming.

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