SAP ABAP - SSCRFIELDS - The Screen Fields Table.

The SSCRFIELDS table is used by the selection screen to store data that can be passed to the program for further processing.

Data that can be passed to the program:

 FUNCTION CODES: Which can trigger processing in the program.

 TEXT : Which will appear on the screen.

- The SSCRFIELDS-UCOMM field holds the user defined function code associated with a pushbutton.
When the user presses the button present on the selection screen, the program receives a function code which can be used to initialize some kind of processing.

- The SSCRFIELDS-FROM _TEXT / TO_TEXT field holds the text associated with the FROM & TO range.

- The SSCRFIELDS-FUNCTXT_01 - 05  fields hold the text associated with the pushbuttons on the application toolbar.


- ELEMENTARY DATA TYPES - Initial Values, Syntax & Properties.

- FIELD SYMBOLS - Introduction, Syntax & Examples.

- PARAMETERS - Introduction, Syntax & Examples.

- SELECT-OPTIONS - Introduction, Syntax & Examples.

- SELECTION-SCREEN - Introduction, Syntax & Examples.

- SSCRFIELDS - The Screen Fields Table.

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