SAP ABAP - Finding Function Module Exits (Customer Exit).

Searching of customer exits for any SAP transaction can be achieved in many ways and method.

The first method for finding a customer exit or function module exit is by searching for CALL CUSTOMER_FUNCTION Keyword.

Follow the steps shown below to find customer exits using this method:

1) Consider any SAP Transaction. Let us take transaction 'MIRO' --> System --> Status.

2) Double Click On Program (Screen) Name. In this case it's 'SAPLMR1M'.

3) You will be navigated to the program. Now click on search button and find 'CALL CUSTOMER-FUNCTION'.

4) You will find a list of all the function module exits available for MIRO transaction.

5) Similarly you can find customer exits for any SAP transaction code.


- USER EXITS - Introduction, Importance & How To Find Them.

- Difference Between BADI & ENHANCEMENTS?

- Customer Exits - Introduction, Importance & It's Types.

- Difference between User Exits & Customer Exits?

- Function Module Exits (Customer Exits) - Introduction & How To Find Them.

- Finding Customer Exits - CALL CUSTOMER-FUNCTION Keyword.

- Finding Customer Exits Via SMOD Transaction.

- Finding Customer Exits Via SE81 SAP Transaction.

- Difference Between CMOD & SMOD SAP Transaction Codes?

- Implementing Customer Exits / Function Module Exits - With Example.

- Finding Project Name & Enhancement Name Of Function Module Exit & Vice-Versa - Sample Porgram With Example.

- Sample Program On Implementing Customer Exit - Step-By-Step.

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