SAP ABAP - Function Module Exits (Customer Exits).

Function module exits are exits developed by SAP which are implemented as a call to a function module. Code is not written directly in the function module, but in the include program, of the function module.


The naming standard of function modules for function module exits is:
EXIT_<program name>_<3 digit suffix>

Some of the function module exits available for MM –Purchasing

Check function group ‘XM06’in SE80 – It Contains a list of function module exits for Materials Mgmt. (Purchasing). Similarly check the other screenshots also.

MM - Purchase Requisition: Function Group XM02

Sales Order: Function Group XVVA

CIN 2.0


Basically there are three ways,

1) Search 'CALL CUSTOMER' keyword in search programs.

2) Via SMOD transaction.

3) Via SE81 Transaction.


- USER EXITS - Introduction, Importance & How To Find Them.

- Difference Between BADI & ENHANCEMENTS?

- Customer Exits - Introduction, Importance & It's Types.

- Difference between User Exits & Customer Exits?

- Function Module Exits (Customer Exits) - Introduction & How To Find Them.

- Finding Customer Exits - CALL CUSTOMER-FUNCTION Keyword.

- Finding Customer Exits Via SMOD Transaction.

- Finding Customer Exits Via SE81 SAP Transaction.

- Difference Between CMOD & SMOD SAP Transaction Codes?

- Implementing Customer Exits / Function Module Exits - With Example.

- Finding Project Name & Enhancement Name Of Function Module Exit & Vice-Versa - Sample Porgram With Example.

- Sample Program On Implementing Customer Exit - Step-By-Step.

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