
Showing posts from February, 2020

2-SAP-Additional Tab For Vendors In BP (Business Partner) Transaction - Part II.

...Previous (Part I)                                                                                                       ...Next (Part III.) Step 6: Next, Navigate to Business Partner->Control->Screen Layout->Field Groups. Click on New entries & create a new field group named 601.Set a description and save as shown below. Now click on  Field Group->Fields  Option as shown above. Assign all the custom fields created in the structure  ‘INCL_EEW_LFA1’ . to fields group as shown below. Step 7:  Next, navigate to  Business Partner->Control->Screen Layout->Views.  Click On New Entries button and create a new view named ZLFA01. Set a description, application as ZLFA as created above & data set as ZLFA01 as created above. Also set the program name and screen number as shown below. Note here we have to create two functions modules for PBO & PAI. Create a function module for PBO. Copy FM  ‘CVIV_BUPA_PBO_CVIV03’  to function module

3-SAP-Additional Tab For Vendors In BP (Business Partner) Transaction - Part III.

...Previous (Part II)                                                                                                      ...Next (Part IV.) Step 10: Next, navigate to Business Partner->Control->Screen Sequences. Click on New Entries button and Create a new screen sequence named ‘ZLFA1’ and Set a description and save changes as shown below.               Now Double click on Screen Sequence Categories. Create a new category named  ‘ZLFA1’  New Entries button and select the checkbox Divisibility as shown below. Now Select the Screen Sequence Category  'ZLFA1'  and double click on  Screen Sequence Category -> Screens Sequence.  Set screen sequence 'ZLFA1' already created in the previous step.    Select the standard radio button as shown below and Save the changes. Now go back to Screen Sequences. Select  BUP001  and click on double click on  Screen Sequence -> Screens.  Set item number as screen name  'ZLFA1'  already cr

4-SAP-Additional Tab For Vendors In BP (Business Partner) Transaction - Part IV

...Previous (Part III) Step 12: Next, navigate to Business Partner->Control->Events->Business Data Toolset.   Three events (function modules) needs to be created respectively for events ISDAT, XCHNG, DSAVB. ·        ISDAT Event - Read Data (Owner Application) (FM : ZMM_LFA1_EVENT_ISDAT) ·        XCHNG Event - Check whether data was changed (FM: ZMM_LFA1_EVENT_XCHNG) ·        DSAVB Event - Collect Data (in Owner Applications) (FM: ZMM_LFA1_EVENT_DSAVB) Important note: Create a structure 'ZSMM_LFA1_S001' with all the custom fields that you have created in used in FM 'CVIV_BUPA_LFA1_COLLECT'. Create all the three FM’s in the same function group as created earlier. FUNCTION zmm_lfa1_event_isdat. *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- *"*"Local Interface: *"----------------------------------------------------------------------   CALL FUNCTION 'CVIV_BUPA_LFA1_GET'

SAP-Additional Tab For Vendors In BP (Business Partner) Transaction - Part I.

                                                                                                                                        ...Next (Part II.) One needs to follow the below mentioned Steps to add an additional data tab in Business Partners (For Vendors). Step 1: Add new custom fields to standard structure ‘INCL_EEW_LFA1’ . This structure is already included in LFA1. Hence the new custom fields will automatically reflect in LFA1 Table. Step 2:  Now add the same fields to structure  ‘INCL_EEW_LFA1’.  Ensure the data element should be a character type with length 1. Here we have used standard data element BAPIUPDATE. Step 3:  Now Create a Custom Function Group and mention the below code in the Top Include of the Function group. TABLES: lfa1. CONSTANTS: table_name_lfa1 TYPE fsbp_table_name VALUE 'LFA1',            false           TYPE boole-boole     VALUE ' '. DATA: gs_lfa1 TYPE lfa1. Step 4: Next Create a screen i

SAP HANA - Default Values in Business Partners (BP).

Most of the times, client comes up with a requirement wherein they want some fields to be defaulted in Business Partner. One such requirement is to default the communication language to 'EN'. Here we are going to talk about all the steps to achieve the same. Step 1: Create a function group via SE80. (For example, ZFG_MM_BP). Step 2: Create a new function module ZBUP_BUPA_EVENT_ISSTA (or probably any name in the customer name space Y* or Z*) with the following source code (only): FUNCTION zbup_bupa_event_issta. *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- *"*"Local Interface: *"---------------------------------------------------------------------- DATA: lwa_default TYPE busdefault. lwa_default-langu = sy-langu. CALL FUNCTION 'BUP_BUPA_FIELDVALUES_SET' EXPORTING i_busdefault = lwa_default. ENDFUNCTION. Save the function module and activate the same as well as function group. Step 3: Navigate to

Troubleshooting - SAP S/4HANA Migration Cockpit LTMC / LTMOM

During the data transfer process using LTMC, you might face some issues. Here, I have tried to explain some known issues which might help you. 1. Error  "500 SAP Internal Server Error in LTMC" . After this error, you might find an ABAP dump in transaction ST22. Check for more details in ABAP dump to find the root cause. This error also occurs, when your session in LTMC is inactive for a long time. Just try to execute LTMC again and see if error persist. 2. You execute LTMC however web browser displays error  "Page cannot be displayed"  or you don’t see SAP screen  "Migrate your Data". There could be numerous reasons for this. You need to consult with your Basis Consultant. In some cases, server/host name entries of your SAP server (to be provided by Basis Consultant) is not maintained in your hosts file (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc). File Name = hosts File Path = C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc 3. Message  "Source record <record i

SAP Adjust Migration Object (LTMOM) - Step By Step Instructions.

Now you are already familiar with data transfer process using Excel based templates (Excel XML) via Transaction LTMC. As already mentioned above, if standard template of any migration object does not meet your business requirement i.e. Some of fields are not available in standard template. Some extra fields are available in template which you don’t want. Any import field is optional in standard template and you want to make it mandatory or vice-versa. In short if there is an requirement to add custom fields to standard migration objects or even create new migration objects, transaction LTMOM will come into Play. Step 1.  Run transaction LTMOM. Initial screen will appear as shown below. Step 2.  Search for your migration object by clicking on “Input Help” (Down-arrow) button. Step 3.  On popup to find Migration Object, enter your Project and press Enter key. Step 4.  Select your migration object from list and press Enter key. Step 5.  Your migration o